I’m seeing this a lot on the mounts issue. Players demanded mounts, now we have mounts. Players demanded DPS meters, now we have DPS meters. Players demanded raids, now we have raids. Why would I want to risk my account just to find out what my dps is? What changed? When did this happen? and what are the clear cut rules about which of these rogue programs am I allowed to install so I can keep up and not get kicked from groups? It was always my understanding that using addons was a bannable offence or at least in a serious grey area. There’s also no appropriate report option for this either. The fact that I’ve been kicked, and watched others get kicked, in the middle of runs or boss fights as well is just not okay.

This new attitude that has come with DPS meters is utterly toxic and despicable. My issue is, we’re not doing raids, we’re doing basic dungeons and fractals which I was clearing with 0 issue long before I took a break. I’ve recently returned from a year and a half hiatus from GW2 and every time I join a group now i’m told i’m not doing ‘max dps’ and then I get kicked. One of my favourite parts of Gw2 was that addons and dps meters we not permissible in this game.